The Cadet sailing programme started last weekend, with plenty of enthusiasm from our band of sailors.

We had 3 families on the Pond, with kids aged 3 to 12, braving what turned out to be quite a British afternoon.

After careful assessment, we decided that the muddy and boggy edges of the Pond weren’t going to stand in our way, and duly launched 3 Oppies in glorious sunshine.

3 kayaks swiftly accompanied them, and we had lots of happy kids out helming Oppies round the Pond, in very little wind!

This was all going nicely, with even Rosie Cornwell (new member) getting in a boat with her brother Bléu, and there were plenty of giggles from the little ones.

We had noticed the huge black cloud, and were hoping it might bring some breeze, which it duly did, causing all sorts of ruckus with the smaller helms, some of whom are still learning how to pull in the mainsheet, and definitely haven’t mastered letting it out…

With Oppies roaring enthusiastically around the Pond, the kayaking parents didn’t all have time to get waterproofs, so when the heavens opened with a torrential downpour, we got pretty wet!

All the kids sailed on happily, but before long they were starting to get cold, so we retreated, all happy and tired.

Sunday brought milder weather, with not even a puff of breeze, so I foolishly called off the sailing, after consulting Wind Guru.

This turned out to be an error, as by 10am we had perfect Mirror-sailing conditions.

Luckily the Pollock/Hooper boys were joined by Luca Triggs, (helming for his grandad Andy Herring), so we got all 3 Mirrors out to enjoy the day.

We all had a lot of fun, dusting off the winter cobwebs, and hope to see more of our Cadet families out to play at our next sailing weekend, 29-30th April. See you there!

Penny Hooper
20 APRIL 2023