Sunday 11 to Friday 16 August

Online entry is now open for Cadet Week 2019!  Six fabulous days of sailing and fun, with all the usual favourites from the Long Distance Race and Treasure Hunt to Cadet Week’s Got Talent!, our famous Fancy Dress Competition (this year's theme is the 1980s!) and our final-day formal Prizegiving Dinner.  And there'll be some new surprises too!

There will be River Racing for all dinghy classes including RS Fevas, Scows, Lasers, Toppers and Optimists, with entry also open to sailors aged 18-21 by prior arrangement. There will also be a coached Optimist Regatta Fleet, as well as sailing on the Pond at ‘Boro Water.

All meals are provided, apart from Wednesday lunchtime when you’ll need to provide a packed lunch as we enjoy an afternoon packed full of team games, watery fun and the infamous Tug Of War!

Your Cadet Week 2019 T-shirt will be free, included in your entrance fee.  Please can you let us have your child’s T-shirt size so we can order them in advance.

We'll have some great evening meals for parents too, which can be booked in advance of Cadet Week - more on that soon.

Our Fundraising BBQ returns again on Wednesday night – a wonderful feast followed by our annual bucket shake and raffle – with some fantastic prizes to be won (and we’re always on the hunt for prizes!).  Our team of parents not only man the BBQ but also provide a fantastic array of desserts, with all the money raised going directly to the Cadets.  You’ll see a check box on the entry form – we’d be so grateful if you could help us by bringing a salad or a pudding.

Cadet Week is run by volunteers, so entrants’ parents are expected to join in the fun and give us a hand – whether its running an activity, launching boats, crewing on a rib or helping out at the pond.  Whilst we love your children, as minors they remain your responsibility at all times so we ask that you, or a nominated guardian, are on site at all times.

If you won a trophy in 2018 please can you ensure it is engraved and returned to the club as soon as possible, but by Sunday 11 August latest.  Thank you!

Entry Fees for 2019 are £165; the Sibling Rate is £155.