RS Elites

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Valentines-Dan-Hull-Taster-Night (1)
Racing Results
20th July 2024 RBYC RS Elites Summer Shorts report by Roger Martin

Perfect conditions greeted the 7 RS Elites taking part in the Summers Shorts and after a short briefing our race officer David Osbourne and his polished Team headed down to the roach on Russ Cashell’s committee boat for the day [many thanks Russ].
The Elites headed down shortly afterwards ready for the first warning signal at 11.55. Special mention and thanks to Jon Sturmer for being in the support rib on his own and doing a great job of laying all the marks.
The racing from the start of race 1 was fast and furious with a good start being paramount as races were scheduled for 25 mins but allowed us to have 2 x upwind and 2 downwind legs and then a short dash to the finishing line. Mark roundings were tight, particularly when the tide had turned and there were some big shifts up the middle of the course for those that spotted them to keep the racing tight.
Overall great fun had by all and this format is ideal for the Elites and keeps all boats involved.
Well done to Graham in ‘Eleanor’ for a 2nd in the series and also to Jack on ‘Boudicca’ for sailing 2 up and spotting the shifts up the middle!

Congrats to Serious Moonlight who sailed consistently and won by 1 point to Excalibur 2nd, followed by Oinksqueal 3rd, equal on pts with Blind Squirrel but holding 3rd on countback emphasizing just how tight the racing is now. Also, over the 4 races, podium spots were taken by 5 different boats.

A big thank you from all the fleet to David Osbourne and his team for setting great courses and running all the races incredibly efficiently, so much so that we were back in the bar by 3pm!!

1WeWN Spring Series 41SaSummer Series 11Mo1Th1SuSt. Mathews Cup1Tu
3Fr3Mo3WeWN July Cup 23SaLate Summer Series 43Tu3Th
4SaMay BH Regatta R1+R24Tu4ThUK Nationals Day 14Su4WeWN Crews Race4Fr
5SuMay BH Regatta R3+R45WeWN Stuart Paul Memorial
(All In Race)
5FrUK Nationals Day 25Mo5Th5SaAutumn Series 5
6MoBank Holiday - no racing6Th6SaSummer Series 6
UK Nationals Day 3
7Tu7Fr7SuUK Nationals Day 47WeWN Summer Series 2
(Diana Memorial)
7SaAutumn Series 17Mo
8WeWN Spring Series 58SaSummer Series 28Mo8Th8Su8Tu
10Fr10Mo10WeWN July Cup 310SaLate Summer Series 510Tu10Th
11SaSpring Series 511Tu11Th11Su11We11Fr
12Su12WeWN Baldwin Trophy
(All In Race)
12Fr12Mo12Th12SaAutumn Series 6
13Mo13Th13SaLate Summer Series 113Tu13Fr13Su
14Tu14Fr14Su14WeWN Summer Series 314SaAutumn Series 214Mo
15WeWN Spring Series 615SaSummer Series 315Mo15Th15Su15Tu
17Fr17Mo17WeWN July Cup 417SaLate Summer Series 6
RBYC Summer Shorts 3
18SaSpring Series 618Tu18Th18Su18We18Fr
19Su19WeLong Distance Race19Fr19Mo19Th19SaSeason Finale R1+R2
20Mo20Th20SaLate Summer Series 2
RBYC Summer Shorts 2
20Tu20Fr20SuSeason Finale R3
(End of season lunch)
21Tu21Fr21Su21WeWN Summer Series 421SaAutumn Series 321Mo
22WeWN Spring Series 7
(RNLI Pennant)
22SaSummer Series 4
RBYC Summer Shorts 1
24Fr24Mo24WeWN July Cup 524SaBW Easterns R1+R224Tu24Th
25SaRB Whitsun Regt. R1,2,3,425Tu25Th25SuBW Easterns R3+R425We25Fr
26SuRB Whitsun Regt. R5,6,7,826WeWN July Cup 126Fr26MoBW Easterns R5+R626Th26Sa
27MoBank Holiday - no racing27Th27SaLate Summer Series 327Tu27Fr27Su
28Tu28Fr28Su28We28SaAutumn Series 428Mo
29WeWN Spring Series 829SaSummer Series 5
UK Southerns Day 1
30Tu30SuUK Southerns Day 230Tu30Fr30Mo30We
31Fr31WeWN Summer Series 131SaBW Last Sat Race31Th