HW 16:54 5.14m (LW 10:53 0.21m)

Time Event
09:00 Adult briefing – group leaders and safety boat drivers in the River Room
09:30 River Cadet briefing in Courtyard - rigged and ready
09:45 Purple Group go straight to Pond
10:00 Launching for Race Groups/Training
13:00 Purple Group Lunch at the Pond
13:30 Lunch for River Sailors
15:00 Team Song Practice for Cadet Week’s Got Talent
15:00 Let’s Face It face painting available in the Courtyard (til 1700hrs)
17:00 Fancy Dress Parade (Theme: Something Beginning with ‘A’) in the Bar
18:00 Cadet Evening Meal
18:45 Adults Curry Buffet in the Courtyard and Enjoy The Show!
19:30 Cadet Week’s Got Talent

All times and activities may be subject to change depending on weather etc