Our resident race fleets, the RBODs and RS Elites, are joining forces for a formal regatta dinner this evening.

Everyone is welcome to join them, but booking is essential.

Cocktails at 1930 for dinner at 2000, with Yachting Dress the order of the day.

The ticket price is £27.95 and the menu will be:

 Hot Smoked Mackerel Fillet

served with Horseradish Cream & Mixed Leaf Salad

Confit of Duck

in a Morello Cherry & Port Sauce with Potato Fondants & Seasonal Vegetables

Raspberry Cheesecake

served with a Lemon Sorbet

Cheese & Biscuits

Coffee & Mints

** Vegetarian & Dietary options are available

BOOKING REQUIRED – please book via info@rbyc.org.uk or by phone to 01621 782 044