Sailing Matters 2024

This is a special edition Sailing Matters as it features a report of the antics on and off the river the Cadet Section enjoyed over the Father’s Day weekend involving an incredible 19 children! This fearless bunch went out sailing when the adults had cancelled their scheduled racing.

For Penny Hooper’s report please click here

You will see that they have an ambitious set of plans for Cadet Week this year and are always looking for helpers to get involved, so if you are interested in getting involved please let the office know and you will be put in touch with Penny.


Following the news on the MOCRA Nationals last week our grown-up sailors have continued with their sailing achievements. On Wednesday 5th June the Stuart Paul Trophy pursuit race took place from the Burnham Sailing Club split into two fleets with the larger keelboats going off first followed by the smaller keelboats. The larger keelboat fleet was won by Phil Collard and his team on Cobra and the smaller keelboat fleet was won by Bill Blanks in his Elite, Blind Squirrel. The following Wednesday 12th June another pursuit race took place with the same format of two fleets. The larger keelboat fleet was won by Dan Wastnage, Mike Schnideau and their team on Santa Evita and the smaller keelboats saw Bill Blanks win again on Blind Squirrel. Congratulations to all on board Cobra, Santa Evita and Blind Squirrel.
This weekend was not just about Father’s Day, but also the famous Round The Island Race which took place sailing around the Isle of Wight. Among the entrants on this windy weekend was Neil Fulcher on Celebration GBR 4572L coming 2nd in their Division and a very impressive 11th overall – Congratulations to them.

Angela Shephard
Rear Commodore Sailing

RBYC Members Win MOCRA National Championships 2024

The MOCRA National Championships 2024 have taken place from the 11th to the 13th of June at Royal Victoria Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight.

I can confirm that the championship was convincingly won by Nick Wood on Origami, crewed by Nick Geaves and Bobby Wells. The championship consisted of eight races, with Origami achieving an incredible 8 firsts!
Two of which they then had to discard.

I’m sure you’ll all agree that not only is this a spectacular achievement but it is so great to see them back on winning form, given the tragedy that befell them on the Round the Island race 2023 when Origami was capsized and initially lost, to be salvaged and restored later.

Angela Shephard Rear Commodore Sailing
June 14th 2024

Whitsun Regatta 2024

We were reasonably fortunate with the weather over the Whitsun weekend. The sunshine on Friday evening tempted many members to enjoy drinks on the Sundeck, which coincided with a wedding as the bride and groom arrived by boat in their beautifully embellished outfits to walk up the pontoon to the beat of traditional Asian drummers. It was a wonderful atmosphere.

It was very pleasing to see the new Racebox looking finished, but unfortunately a problem with the air horn forced a decision to run the Regatta Line from the RCYC race box. Many thanks to the RCYC for allowing us to do so.

While many of the Whitsun Regatta competitors may still have been tucked up in bed on Saturday morning, the crews preparing for the EAORA were heading out to an RBYC Committee Boat Start Line to race round to West Mersea for the Pattinson Cup. After an overnight stay, the racing is then reversed on the Sunday for the Ralph Herring Trophy with a start at West Mersea then finishing at an RBYC Committee Boat Finish Line.

When the Whitsun Regatta competitors arrived on Saturday we were treated to plenty of sunshine and a reasonable amount of wind for the sailing, for which all fleets did a town course due to a large squib event taking place further downriver. The RBOD fleet certainly found the course challenging! Once all ashore, stories of the trials and tribulations encountered were shared on the Sundecks until the Commodore hosted reception drinks in the courtyard from 1800 before we headed up to the dining room for the delicious regatta dinner cooked by Dan Hull.

Sunday seemed more overcast at first, with the fleets taking an upriver course to Canewdon, again to avoid tangling with the numerous Squibs. The sun did come out later in the day and as the sailors returned ashore, the cadets were out in full force having a fun afternoon of crabbing etc on the pontoon.

In the evening competitors were joined by the returning EAORA fleet to enjoy a lovely barbecue. The addition of the EAORA crowd made for a very lively evening in the bar.

The only fleets planning to head out on Monday being the RBODs and the Cruisers, of which those with sails would race and those without sail propulsion undertaking the Predicted Log exercise.

On Monday in somewhat windier conditions than the rest of the weekend the Cruisers and RBOD fleet ventured out and completed their race or exercise. The prizegiving then took place in the bar because the temperature had turned decidedly chillier. Thanks must go to our Regatta Racebox team of Fianne Stanford, Sue Hooper, Liz Wastnage and Sidney Livingstone for all of the courses, starts and finishes which they ably handled despite their team’s depleted number that weekend. Thanks must also go to Andy Wise and team for running the Committee Boat for the RBYC side of the EAORA.

I hope that you have visited the club website recently and noticed that it has undergone a considerable and much overdue revamp. Unfortunately one consequence of this is that we have been unable to upload the results to the old software. It is planned that we will start using a different software, SailWave, in conjunction with the RCYC shortly, which should provide better integration and upload of results directly from the Raceboxes.

The Whitsun results are now on the website but in a slightly different format from before.
Please bear with us while we implement these changes.

For the RBOD report please click here

For the Cruising report & EAORA report please click here

Angela Shephard
Rear Commodore Sailing

Well done to our Fleet Winners 2024


1st Red Jacket
Stephen Herring & Crew
2nd Mandarin
Will Dallimore & Crew
3rd Aquamarine
Angela Shephard & Crew

RS Elites

1st Serious Moonlight
Richard Bavin & Crew
2nd Blind Squirrel
Bill Blanks & Crew
3rd Excalibur
Roger Martin & Crew

Multi Hulls

1st Origami
Nick Wood & Crew
2nd Wandering Glider
Andrew Scurr & Crew